Saturday, September 18, 2010


Its funny sometimes when you get back to your roots, and find yourself in such a comfortable position, that feeling of homelyness; plus its healthy!

The trip from Provo was a whole other story though... got lost twice, ran around in circles, both tiresw got flats with a total of 7 holes, did the repairs myself, and finally made it back home 5 hours later. It was just one of those days...


Ayi :) said...

mira vaca mu..cuidado si te caes!!

Rodolfo Hansen said...

hahahaha, no recuerdo la última vez que eso me sucediera ;)

Ayi :) said...

por eso mismo... :P


Ven, escápate conmigo! Por hoy, llévame donde quieras; pero hoy; regalame tu día Invitame a tus antojos Brindame tu sonrisa y Mírame a ...