I am enraged.
Every time I hear arguments against legalizing abortion I am dragged into rageful despair; the argument tends to state: all life is precious, and it begins on the moment of conception; so society must protect it, at ANY cost. This argument is carried out from beginning to end loosing respectability at each step:
- most everyone agrees on life's preciousness,
- about 40% of the world is certain life begins at conception and not birth,
- finally, it can be argued: virtually no one would kill a random family of 3 to birth a child.
It is easy to understand how it can become a sensitive issue, but every time some fanatic starts arguing for outright abolishment I simply realize how dumb we all are. Stupidity is arguably why religion is so in tune with power, its simply too easy for man to become sheep; to blindly obey and disregard the beautiful causality which exists in our universe. It starts with imagining someone or something being able to do whatever they/it wants and then replacing whatever causal rules actually exist and are observable in this universe with something else.
There is a conscientious and logical deductive path that guides us towards a challenging observation: we need to make all us dimwits smarter, at least in our capability of foresight (or causal search if you will). Enough of this, its amazing how much we need to advance, that we REALLY DON'T SEE WHATS RIGHT IN FRONT OF US!
I propose a worldwide goal:
Raise the global IQ level by 30 points (obviously without recalibrating the scoring statistics). This should be a stated global incentive.
Ok.. so you have hope in our humanity, you just think we're stupid? A friend of mine once said that, ultimately, everyone gets to do whatever they want. I think this happens regardless of religion or our capabilities for reason, even when one or the other is namely responsible for decisions made. However, this only proves my thesis on our humanity (which, in turn, could be very very wrong).
Do you think human kind wants to walk on its own? Raise their IQ without a leader? Carry the responsibility of a decision about a 'conceived' life they didn't "plan on" and can't afford to raise? Without someone or something to support them?...
But don't mind me, most times I see answers and make more questions. And don't be enraged, remember "Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain." (Friedrich von Schiller)... plus, rage doesn't suit you well, it'll give you unwanted wrinkles and mess up your glowyness;)
Tu ultimo comentario me recuerda a tu abuelo... :-S
Si, pero él no lo veía posible.
Las ideas de él eran casi nazistas;
creo que él argumentaba sobre los posibles cataclismos que podrían seguir lo imaginado como la 'singularidad tecnológica' por la "bestialidad" e inmoralidad de la mayoría...
La idea mía era comentar la diferencia trascendental entre alcanzar una aumento en CADA individuo contra un aumento puntual para la sociedad. Entiendo que con cada quien pudiera simplemente 'pensar' un poco más las cosas (intentar predecir mejor el futuro), dejaríamos atrás la "bestialidad" y la "inmoralidad" que a él le preocupaban.
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