Saturday, November 29, 2008

Thanksgiving Special...

Yesterday was a weird day, of thanks, reflection and retrospect... a deep feeling of unease overwhelmed me as I heard / thought through debate along the following lines:

ForevervsTill Whenever
this is something we need to work on together.these things have to feel smooth...
I'm committed, I still need you.nothing lasts forever, I'll be fine.
we started this for a reason; giving a little on ends leaves us both with alot.thanks, but there's just no more here; we need to move on.
love is hard work and understanding and is a fleeting thing
there's no such thing as love

I posted something here from my cell phone, but it seems it got lost... :/ It was along the lines of love being an idea, and different for different people, but still, generally, a good idea to live with! :p I envy my own parent's forever love; and I've seen their hard work, and their sacrifice... (on both sides).. a friend said yesterday:

I've given up on the local women here, their idea of a relationship is just someone to go out and have drinks with... no sense of it being a project, to grow into...

I also had other conversations around the notion... today, I am simply sad; for myself, and everyone else who couldn't get it right the first 5 times... not so sure about those who have never eaten from greener pastures... even though it always looks greener on the other side... :(


martianegg said...

"I've given up on the local women here, their idea of a relationship is just someone to go out and have drinks with... no sense of it being a project, to grow into..."

So sad..

Unknown said...

1. Why judge them all on the same standard?
2. A beautiful idea, yes.. and too many things to be just an idea.
3. This is an old post, I'm reading it late (but I just met this blog so I'll excuse myself), but I hope you are no longer so sad... try it the 6th time. 7th. 8th, even maybe 9th. I haven't gotten it right... the pastures I guess... but the idea surfaces. I might be in love with the idea (the good idea), but it is a beautiful idea.


Ven, escápate conmigo! Por hoy, llévame donde quieras; pero hoy; regalame tu día Invitame a tus antojos Brindame tu sonrisa y Mírame a ...