Este articulo en HowStuffWorks habla sobre el comportamiento neuronal de los psicópatas... je... sus cerebros son encapases de empatia. Por otro lado yo puedo apostar que de igual mayoría de las personas tímidas tienen una alta capacidad de empatia. O sus cerebros son mas activos cuando tienen que identificar las imágenes. De hecho hay una condición medica que tiene que ver con una tensión social... Tiene que ser el opuesto.
Este es el reportaje original.
"When the non-psychopathic subjects saw a happy face, the fusiform and extrastriate regions of the brain -- the areas primarily responsible for processing images of facial expressions -- showed increased activity compared to their response to a neutral face. The psychopathic brains also showed increased activity in response to the happy faces, although less of an increase than in the non-psychopathic group. However, whereas the non-psychopathic subjects showed a similar increase in brain activity in response to the distressed faces, the psychopathic subjects did not. In fact, when the psychopaths were shown sad or fearful faces, their brain scans actually showed less neural activity than when they were shown neutral faces."
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